Note: Presence throughout the workshop is mandatory
We will get an overview of the 17 SDGs and the Agenda 2030 for a sustainable world and focus on SDGs 6 and 7 as well as 11 to 15 in particular.
How can affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all people be ensured worldwide?
How can water, land and waste management be sustainable and awareness raised in communities of multicultural societies?
Although we are facing global issues in every segment, it is crucial to raise awareness amongst the population and stregthen local networks. We will talk to former BPSA students to find out how they evaluate creativity, knowhow, technology and financial resources to initiate sustainable change in a globalized world. Natural resources need to be protected on a regional, national and international scale.
Central themes:
Attention: The workshop will be held in English.
Number of participants is limited to 20.
Accomodation available upon request: